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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where did July go?

The past few weeks have been so busy! July 4th was my birthday, the 10th was the 10 year anniversary party for Darrell's practice, the 17th my sister & I hosted a baby shower for my cousin, and VBS started on July 18th. I taught 1st grade this year and it was SO much fun, but I am glad it's only one week out of the year. I don't know how I did this 180 days a year, 7 hours a day. I have gained great respect for moms that work outside the home, especially teachers. There is so much work that you have to take home. I can't imagine trying to get everything finished. When I was teaching, I had no babies so I could work on school things ALL.NIGHT.LONG.

I'll leave ya with some pictures of our precious littles.

I can't believe how big these kiddos have gotten. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing Hadley home from the hospital and now Connor is nearing his first birthday. Before I know it, he'll be heading off to school...

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