Tuesday night Connor decided the fun thing to do to his super scared and exhausted mommy was to stay up until 2 am. He was happy though and I really didn't sleep much anyway.
We were in the hospital overnight and thought we would be going home by noon or so the next day. It took Dr. B., the pediatric neurosurgeon, FOREVER to come discharge us. I was getting a little nervous that he may have seen something more and that's why he was taking so long. Turns out, he was in surgery all day and didn't have the chance to get to our room until 10:30 pm. We were finally discharged a full 24 hours after we were admitted. You may wonder what Connor and I did ALL.DAY.LONG while we were waiting. We had a little photo shoot of course!
Here's our little dude in his favorite M&M pajamas. He loved playing with the blood pressure cuff the nurse had put on his ankle. The actual act of taking his blood pressure he was not so fond of.
Finally, sound asleep. Connor loves his BabybeBlessed lion.
Darrell went on to work Wednesday morning since we thought we'd be out of there in time for lunch. When he found out after work that we were STILL there, he took care of getting Hadley situated and came back to finish the waiting game with us. Connor's just chilling with his daddy watching a little television. Those are two handsome dudes if I do say so myself.
We visited with our pediatrician, Dr. J, on Friday so she could take a look at him and we'll follow up with Dr. B. in 4-6 weeks to make sure everything is healing properly. If you look at the left side of his head in the picture below, you can see how large the lump has gotten. You really don't get the full effect unless you see in in person though.
These two are BFFs and I am so glad because I don't know what I would have done without this guy's momma Tuesday and Wednesday.
I have lots of people to thank for helping me with Hadley while I was in the hospital with Connor. So, thanks Allison, Jacob, Benjamin & Sarah for letting Hadley spend the night. Thank you Liz for picking her up from Allison's and watching her until Darrell could pick her up. And thank you YaYa for keeping her until we got out of the hospital Wednesday night. Also, thanks to every one of you that called to check on and prayed for our sweet baby boy.
I'm glad he's doing better and you're right about the full effect in person. Regardless, you're still tops in the mom department!
Stopping by from Jenna's...so sorry about your baby. It is horrible when little ones are going though stuff. Definitely putting Connor in our prayers.
Stopping from Jenna's Journey! What a long 24 hours!
Stopping by from Jenna's :)
Hope your little one is doing better - these kinds of things definitely test your strength as a mom (and add a few gray hairs!!)
Thanks for stopping by! Your little man looks like such a trooper! I love him m&m pjs!
Your son is just precious! (My daughter's a redhead, so I may be a bit biased ;) So glad to read that his injury is not too serious. Head injuries are certainly nothing to take lightly.
Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. Hope things with your little one are better. Keeping your family in my prayers. Have a great weekend!
Bless your heart! I hope things are going better for your little man.
Thanks for stopping by & for your sweet comment! I love anything smocked too!! :) I am your newest follower!!
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