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Monday, October 12, 2009

Live from the Idea Warehouse...

"Come on Mommy! Put my tutu on so I can go see the guys!"
Here's the princess trying to see around the camera I had shoved in her face. She WAS NOT interested in taking pictures. She recognized the set on stage and wanted to see the "moo-ers."
The Imagination Movers were here in their hometown of New Orleans for a concert on Sunday. Hadley had the time of her life. I so wish I could get my video to work because I have video of her while they're singing "Calling All Movers" and she's seriously doing all the motions!! I love the end when she screams, "Ha Pun( have fun)!" This girl loves her some Imagination Movers and so does Hadley. LOL She didn't take a nap in between church and the concert so she was really sleepy and even fell asleep toward the end of the show. Darrell tried to take her from me, but I would've just looked silly dancing if he'd done that. ;-) Here we are taking a break from dancing while we wait for the guys to come back on stage for an encore.

Mover Hadley & Mover Daddy
The highlight of the whole day was being able to go back stage for the after show. Here's the little mover now waiting to meet "the guys."

Hadley was able to get her picture made with all of the guys. She was especially in awe when she saw Dave. He is absolutely her favorite. Sorry guys. She loves all of you, but Dave has a special place in this 20 month old little girl's heart. When the concert started & she spotted him she looked at me and said, "It's Dave!"

Hadley & Mover Scott
Mover Scott holds a special place in my heart because he was a teacher. An elementary teacher!!! You don't see many men that brave the elementary school classroom.

Hadley & Mover Smitty

Hadley decided to sit in Mover Rich's lap and wait patiently for him to sign our tickets. He also signed Hadley's shirt.

We honestly had the BEST time we have ever had at a concert. These guys are so kind and patient. They truly are AWESOME! Thank you guys! Of course, their wives also have to be AWESOME to support them in this wonderful journey! Thank you for sharing your husbands with us and our children! We love you all!!!

1 comment:

Susan@Success/Fail DIY Projects said...

Love how you dressed her for the show. Cute!!!